Our kitchen is an organic space reflective of the rich and satisfying culture of our state. We run our restaurant with fond memories of growing up eating mandue ki roti, ghee, pisyu loon for breakfast, mouth watering winter delight of Khataai and wholesome Garhwal ka Fannah and Kumaoni Raita for lunch.
We have taken these food options from our regular way of life, added our present culinary expertise and incorporated business practices that align with our vision to run a sustainable food establishment.
With our head chef Mr. Dhanraj Mamgai handling the command of the kitchen with a team of enthusiastic young culinary artists, we bring the unique blend of organic, sustainable ingredients and highly nutritious taste of Garhwal to your table. In our kitchen, you will find wheat flour replaced by rich-in-protein Mandua ka Aata (Finger Millets), high in iron Fiddlehead Ferns, known locally as Linguda, in the form of pickles, stinging leaves of Kandalee (Common Nettle) converted into mouth watering saag and Jhangore ki Kheer (Barnyard Millet) for your desert round! As you can see, our menu items are as mystifying and wholesome as the culture of our beloved state. In order to cut the undue advantage which middlemen procure, we do direct purchase of food grains and vegetables from the farmers, thus encouraging the local farming culture.
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